“It is not about being fearful, but being ready to react in the right way.”
-Kevin Taylor
Our first priority as a school district is the safety and well-being of our students and staff. Booker ISD has committed to work closely with our local and state authorities, fire, emergency medical services and public health officials in order to ensure our schools are well prepared for an emergency.
Together, we have developed a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan which serves as a guide to help staff and our public safety partners to respond swiftly should a crisis arise in or around our schools.
Drills are conducted regularly during the school year to prepare students and employees for emergency situations.
It is the desire of BISD that not only do our children and staff understand the steps involved to create a safe environment but for the parents, guardians and families to be knowledgeable as well.
safety and security
Emergency Preparedness
Parent Resources for School Safety
Mental Health Resources